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Last active 5 days ago

General info

City: Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu

Languages: English

Required services:


Diego - Housekeeper job offer


Housekeeper in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu

Start:06/17/2024 Salary:$25 / hour


We have no kids. Looking for someone that can help with cleaning. We are looking for someone who can come every week or every two weeks. Nous n'avons pas d'enfants. Je recherche quelqu'un qui peut aider au nettoyage. Nous recherchons quelqu'un qui puisse venir chaque semaine ou toutes les deux semaines.
For when

Start: 06/17/2024

Hours per day: 4


  M T W T F S S


(6 am - 11 am)


(11 am - 1 pm)


(1 pm - 6 pm)


(6 pm - 10 pm)


(10 pm - 6 am)
Further requirements


Desired dwelling type
  • Single family home
Desired services
  • Basement cleaning
  • Bathroom cleaning
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Bedroom cleaning
  • Patio/Balcony washing
  • Window washing
Salary:$25 / hour

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