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Last active 11 days ago

General info

City: Rigaud

Languages: English

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Tara - Housekeeper job offer


Housekeeper in Rigaud

Start:06/20/2024 Salary:$40 / hour
Heavy cleaning


I am looking for my sister. Single family household of 10. My sister works away as an on-location nurse for a couple weeks at a time. Things are not kept up when she is away and every time she comes home the place is destroyed. Looking for someone to do weekly cleaning to keep it from getting to a hopeless point. Common areas only, plus laundry and kitchen cleaning. And scooping the litter boxes if that's something you are open to as well. Also she has just come home from another work run and it is bad. Looking for someone to help her immediately because it is absolutely overwhelming on walking through the door. Not a live-in job. You'll need to get yourself to their house but a car isn't required for the actual work. Family is bilingual. $40/hr for the initial cleanup and $20/hour for regular weekly upkeep after.
For when

Start: 06/20/2024

Hours per day: 6


  M T W T F S S


(6 am - 11 am)


(11 am - 1 pm)


(1 pm - 6 pm)


(6 pm - 10 pm)


(10 pm - 6 am)
Further requirements

English, French

Desired dwelling type
  • Single family home
Desired services
  • Bathroom cleaning
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Laundry
Salary:$40 / hour

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