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Last active 11 days ago

General info

City: Sherbrooke


Required services:

Senior Caregiver

Lili - Senior Caregiver job offer


Senior Caregiver in Sherbrooke

Start:05/20/2024 Salary:$18 / hour
Accompagnement et présence


Veuf seul dans sa maison de Rock Forest très autonome. Besoin d’entretien ménager léger préparation du dîner et souper. Besoin femme mature.
For when

Start: 05/20/2024

Hours per day: 6


  M T W T F S S


(6 am - 11 am)


(11 am - 1 pm)


(1 pm - 6 pm)


(6 pm - 10 pm)


(10 pm - 6 am)
Further requirements


Desired medical conditions
  • None
Desired services
  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Companionship
  • Shopping and errands
Salary:$18 / hour

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