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Diplôme cégep



Préférences d'horaires:


Sarah (28) - Aide aux besoins spéciaux - Calgary

Aide aux besoins spéciaux
3 années experience Salaire:$13.5 / heure
Aide aux aînés disponible


For the past year, I have been a support worker for a fun and energetic adult female. She has severe brain injury from birth and is mentally about 2-3 years old. She is very smart and a quick learner, but she is non-verbal. I communicate with her through her own variations of sign language. I take care of her through daily hygienic routines, preparing meals for her, and accompanying her on daily outings such as; swimming and trips to the mall. She loves to play games and make funny faces. I also have 2 years of experience taking care of a wonderful woman in her home until she sadly passed away. She had Multiple Sclerosis and needed help with just about everything. I performed her daily hygienic routines such as; bathing, manual help with her bowels, and changing her briefs. Also, I prepared and fed her meals, administered medications, and performed Sit-Stand transfers to and from her wheelchair.

Prendre soin de:

Les deux

Les conditions médicales:

Un service:

Salaire:$13.5 / heure

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