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Melanie (49) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

Special needs caregiver
10 years experience Salary:$25 / hour
Special needs caregiver


Accompaniment, support and exit. Supervision and establishment of routine. Development on request of an intervention plan on request. Positive reinforcement and working with the person as a Team with the family. Attention Deficit Test test for severity of drug or alcohol addiction. Helping relationship with the person and exercise of motor skills!

Care about:

Both (Child/Adult)

Medical conditions:


Salary:$25 / hour

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Melanie is a special needs caregiver in Quebec city. Melanie is available to help your loved ones who have specific needs and can take care of children and adults. Melanie has 10 years of experience as a special needs helper, She speaks English, French. Melanie expects an hourly wage of $25/hour.

Melanie is a caregiver offering various home support services for those around you: .

Melanie can take care of individuals with the following medical conditions: Asthma, Autism, Other pervasive development, Epilepsy, Physical disability, Mental handicap, Hyperactivity, Developmental delay, Down Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, .

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Juliane (48) - Special needs caregiver - Quebec

Certification en soins podologiques,infirmière auxiliaire autorisée

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